In the article Les secondes histoires d’amour ne finissent pas plus mal que les premières (July 19, 2016) Le Monde discusses Eva Beaujouan’s study on the stability of second unions which was published in the European Journal of Populaton earlier this year (Online first, March 10, 2016).
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Tomáš Sobotka in The Economist
In the article “The strange case of the missing baby” (The Economist, 30 April 2016) Tomáš Sobotka comments on fertility changes during the recent economic recession. Read
Eva Beaujouan in Le Monde
Eva Beaujouan was interviewed for the article “Le Chômage et précarité retardent la maternité” in Le Monde, 19 March 2016. Read article
Eva Beaujouan’s work in Le Figaro’s Madame
The article “Les femmes sont moins satisfaites de leur couple que les hommes” published in Le Figaro’s Madame (March 18, 2016) summarises one part of Eva Beaujouan’s book chapter “Fréquence des désaccords, satisfaction dans le couple et séparation” published in Parcours de famille, a volume edited by Arnaud Régnier-Loilier. Read article
Beaujouan, É. (2016). Fréquence des désaccords, satisfaction dans le couple et séparation. In A. Régnier-Loilier (Ed.), Parcours de famille (pp. 137–149). Paris: Collection Grandes enquêtes, Ined.
Tomáš Sobotka interviewed by the Austrian Academy of Sciences
On December 7, Tomáš Sobotka gave an interview to the Austrian Academy of Sciences on family formation, work-family balance and late fertility of highly educated women. Read the interview (in German)
Le Figaro, 14 January 2013
Anne Cheyvialle referring to Tomas Sobotka’s research on economic recession and fertility in Europe: “Zone euro: la crise porte un coup à la natalité”.
Wall Street Journal, 7 January 2013
Patricia Kowsmann refers to Tomas Sobotka’s research on economic recession and fertility in Europe: “Slowing birthrates weigh on Europe’s weak economies”. Link
Libération, 20 December 2012
Jean-Luc Mounier briefly describes the results of Máire Ni Bhrolcháin’s and Eva Beaujouan’s study education and fertility postponement. Link
The Economist, June 20, 2012
The Economist, June 20, 2012 referring to Tomas Sobotka’s research on recession and fertility: “Europe’s other crisis: Recession is bringing Europe’s brief fertility rally to a shuddering halt”. Link
Die Presse, 4 August 2012
Martin Kugler in die Presse, 4 August 2012, referring to John Bongaarts and Tomas Sobotka’s research on tempo- and parity- adjusted period fertility: “Weniger Nachkommen? Europa stirbt doch nicht aus!“ Link