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The VID/WIC conference “Education and Reproduction in Low Fertility Settings”

The VID/WIC conference on “Education and Reproduction in Low Fertility Settings”, in part coordinated by the EURREP researchers (T. Sobotka, E. Beaujouan, Z. Brzozowska) is taking place on 2-4 December in Vienna. The conference has brought together more than a hundred of researchers. Besides featuring 30 presentations in eight thematic sessions and 25 poster presentations, the conference includes three invited presentations. A keynote at the conference opening (“Quo vadis familia?“) is given by Gøsta Esping-Andersen, sociologist known especially for his research on welfare state typology and changes in family and gender relations. This keynote is followed by an invited lecture by Wolfgang Lutz (director of the Wittgenstein Centre) on Cognition driven demographic transition. On the second day of the conference, Alicia Adsera, demographer and economist from Princeton University will give the keynote on Education and fertility in the context of rising inequality. Conference programme, which will later include the presentations, is available here . Press release in German covering the conference and the preceding 3rd Generations and Gender Programme User Conference is available here .

Tomáš Sobotka at the Dutch Demography Day in Utrecht.

On 25 November 2015 Tomáš Sobotka gave a keynote on “European Fertility Trends: Continuity and Reversals” at the Dutch Demography Day, annual conference organised by the Netherlands Demographic Society (NVD). The conference programme is available here. Access T. Sobotka’s presentation here.

Tomáš Sobotka at the United Nations expert Group Meeting on Policy Responses to Low Fertility

On November 2-3 2015 Tomáš Sobotka participated in the United Nations expert Group Meeting on Policy Responses to Low Fertility organized by The Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations jointly with the East-West Center in Honolulu, Hawaii. T. Sobotka gave a presentation on ‘Macro factors behind low fertility’.

Details about the meeting are available here.

Policy briefs based on the research presented at the meeting are also available at the same website. T. Sobotka’s research is covered in Policy Brief No. 3 on Austria and Policy Brief No. 6 on the Czech Republic.

Anna Matysiak and Tomas Sobotka interviewed by Population Europe

Two EURREP researchers, Anna Matysiak and Tomas Sobotka have been interviewed about their research in short videos produced by Population Europe (http://www.population-europe.eu/), a network of leading European population research centers.

Anna Matysiak discusses reasons for which some women remain childless. Video

Tomas Sobotka talks about the consequences of economic uncertainty for family formation during the recent economic recession. Video

European Fertility Datasheet 2015 launched

Print and online versions of the European Fertility Datasheet 2015 were officially launched on December 2, 2015 at the conference on Education and Reproduction in Low-Fertility Settings in Vienna. Through a combination of data for all countries of Europe and for broader European regions, maps, tables, graphs and featured thematic boxes combining text and graphics, the datasheet provides an in-depth look at European fertility. The online version provides expanded coverage, including additional maps, ranking charts as well as details about data sources and definitions. It also allows the users to download all the data. The datasheet was supported from the EURREP project budget and was prepared in collaboration of five EURREP researchers with two researchers affiliated with the Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital. Access online version of the datasheet at fertilitydatasheet.org.