Tomas Sobotka and EURREP group’s research on childlessness trends has featured in the article “The rise of childlessness” published in The Economist on 27 July 2017.
Author Archives: Zuzanna Brzozowska
Anna Matysiak’s article among groundbreaking articles that could help change the world
The article “Country-Specific Conditions for Work and Family Reconciliation: An Attempt at Quantification” by Anna Matysiak and more
has been nominated by Springer Nature as one of the groundbreaking articles that could help change the world. ReadTomáš Sobotka awarded with the Allianz European Demographer Award 2017
On 15 February Tomáš Sobotka received the Allianz European Demographer Award 2017, alongside with Felix Tropf from the University of Oxford. The award was presented at the 6th Berlin Demography Forum (BDF). T. Sobotka received the award for his research on fertility, childlessness, assisted reproduction and European population trends. Further details are provided at Population Europe website.
Human Fertility Database Research Reports launched
To promote empirical and methodological research based on population-level fertility data, a new series of research papers, the Human Fertility Database Research Reports (HFD RR) was launched in December 2016.
The series is named after the Human Fertility Database as the central resource of detailed and high quality data on period as well as cohort fertility. The HFD Research Reports are published jointly with the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research and the Vienna Institute of Demography as MPIDR or VID Working Papers.
As of 15 January 2017 the first three HFD RRs have been published, of which two are based on the EURREP research. The reports can be accessed here:
EURREP career advancements!
Anna Matysiak received Habilitation and Zuzanna Brzozowska defended her PhD thesis. Congratulations!
EURREP research on childlessness in BBC News, Le Figaro and Le Croix
The article “Has childlessness peaked in Europe?” published by Éva Beaujouan and colleagues in Population and Societies No. 540 had a extensive coverage in media (especially in France). The topic was covered for instance by
BBC News: Soaring childlessness among southern European women
Le Figaro: En Europe du sud, les femmes font moins d’enfants
WIC projections of population trends in Politico
In the article “Europe’s (lack of) migration problem” by Laurens Cerulus, Politico (28 December 2016) featured graphs presenting WIC projections of population trends in six European countries until 2050. The data come the European Population Datasheet 2016.
Beaujouan et al.’s study in the Austrian media
Der Standard, Die Presse and Science have featured the article “Childlessness Trends in Twentieth-Century Europe: Limited Link to Growing Educational Attainment” by Éva Beaujouan, Zuzanna Brzozowska and Kryštof Zeman, published in Population Studies (Online first 21 August 2016).
“Höhere Bildung von Frauen hat wenig Einfluss auf Kinderlosigkeit”, Der Standard, 23 August 2016
“Studie: Weiblich, gebildet, kinderlos?”, Die Presse, 24 August 2016
“Die sozialen Ursachen der Kinderlosigkeit”, Science, 23 August 2016
EURREP Research Brief No. 3
The third issue of the EURREP Research Brief featuring childlessness trends in Europe is put out. You can read it here.
Eva Beaujouan in NIUSSP
In the article In France, second unions now more resilient than first (July 18, 2016) the NIUSSP summarises Eva Beaujouan’s study on the stability of second unions which was published in the European Journal of Populaton earlier this year (Online first, March 10, 2016).